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Viral bronchitis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Viral bronchitis is Caused by many kind of viruses common virus including caused by viral bronchitis as influenza virus characterstic is both virus and bacterial

Symptoms of viral bronchitis

Every person may experience the symptoms of viral bronchitis but the most common signs include
  •     Before a cough starts, one may experience a running nose
  •     A transparent or white mucus
  •     Malaise – an overall body discomfort
  •     Frequent chills
  •     Fever, up to 101 degrees F
  •     Back and muscle ache
  •     Constant wheezing
  •     Sore throat
  •     Hyper reactivity of the airways

Viral bronchitis diagnosis

A doctor generally makes a diagnosis of bronchitis based on the symptoms and eliminating the signs of pneumonia. The doctor may hear the sounds of the lungs during the physical examination.

Some test may be asked to be performed such as
  •     X-ray of the chest
  •     Lung function tests
  •     Pulse oximetry
  •     Arterial blood test
  •     Sputum samples

Viral bronchitis treatment

The treatment of bronchitis varies depending on the cause of the illness. Medication that suppresses the cough or releases and clears secretions may be helpful.

    Cough suppressants

If the person has severe and uncontrollable coughing spells, then a good prescription is with strong cough suppressants. In most of the cases only these stronger cough suppressants stop a ferocious cycle of coughing which leads to more irritation of the bronchial tubes, which in turn causes more coughing in the person.


Bronchodilator inhalers are helpful in opening the airways and to decrease wheezing in a person suffering from bronchitis. The cool mist humidifier or vaporizer will help to decrease the bronchial irritation.

Antibiotics are not effective for the viral infections thus are not prescribed. Some of the medications included in the treatment of viral bronchitis are:
  •     Aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen
  •     Amoxicillin
  •     Ttetracycline
  •     Doxycycline
  •     Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

Rarely used but highly effective medicines include
  •     Cephalosporins
  •     Azithromycin
  •     Clarithromycin
  •     Fluoroquinolones

Viral bronchitis natural treatment

The following natural treatments may be useful in easing some of the viral bronchitis symptoms.

    American and Siberian ginseng

These are especially excellent for the lungs. They clear bronchial tubes and reduce the inflammation. These are not recommended for people having high blood pressure or any other heart disease.


Bromelain, mixture of proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes mostly found in pineapples (Ananas comosus). If consumed in tea form, it helps liquefy and decrease bronchial secretions. It also stops the progression of viral bronchitis and sinusitis.

Typical dosage should be 250 to 500 mg of bromelain 2 to 3 times in a day.


Lobelia, lobelia inflata, popular as Indian tobacco, has a long history of use as an herbal medicine for respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and cough. Lobelia reduces the bronchial congestion and prevents wheezing.

Typical dosage should be of 500 to 1000 mg in capsule form 3 times per day. Lobelia is to be used for about 2 to 3 weeks and more than that.

Viral bronchitis leads to dehydration and thus there should be an increased intake of fluids such as water, juices, and vegetables soups etc to keep the body hydrated and accelerates the recovery process. Bronchitis recovery basically depends on the immune system of the person and thus it is very important to improve the immunity.

Note: It is recommended to discuss with an authorized medical practitioner before following viral bronchitis treatment.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday 15 April 2011