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Aplastic Anemia Symptoms

Severe health problems can arise if the bone marrow is incapable of producing sufficient blood cells.  Problems that may be encountered include irregular heartbeats, an enlarged heart, bleeding and susceptibility to infections.

Concept of aplastic anemia came into light in 1888 when Paul Elhrich studied the case of a pregnant woman who died of bone marrow failure. In 1904 Anatole Chauffard coined the term aplastic anemia. While studying the morphology it was observed that bone marrow is devoid of hematopoietic cells.

Evidence of these observations was provided by Flow cytometry. It showed the CD34 cell population containing the early committed progenitors, is substantially reduced. These early progenitors become unresponsive to hematopoietic growth factors.

The prevalence is higherin the Far East. No racial predisposition is reported in the United States. Disorder occurs in male and female equally so, ratio may be considered as 1:1.

The disorder may be observed in all the age groups.

The inheritance of the syndrome may be observed in childhood. Its incidence

peaks in people aged 20-25 years, and can extend in people older than 60 years.

Person suffering from this condition have low counts of all three blood cell types: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This phenomenon is termed as pancytopenian. the origin of the disorder remains undetermined.

The possible cause may be an autoimmune disorder where bone marrow cells become the target for white blood cells. The disorder at times may be associated with exposure to toxins such as benzene, and use of certain drugs including chloramphenicol, carbamazepine, felbamate, phenytoin, quinine, and phenylbutazone. Many drugs are associated with aplasia mainly. Exposure of the body to ionizing radiation from radioactive materials is also associated with the development of the disorder.

Symptoms related to the disorder are;
  •     Jaundice (color of the skin and white of the eyes turns yellow).
  •     Headaches
  •     Shortness of breath
  •     Trace  of Blood in the urine
  •     Swelling or pain in the abdomen or swelling in the legs caused by blood clots

Treatments for aplastic anemia:
  • This includes blood transfusions and transplantation of the bone marrow cells.
  • Blood transfusions-Blood transfusions are advised when blood cell count is to be brought to normal levels.
  • A blood transfusion is one of the common methods in which blood is supplied to the body through one of blood vessels. Route of blood supply is intravenous (into the vein).
  • This method just helps in relieving the symptoms but is not a permanent treatment.

Bone marrow cell transplant- there are two types of bone marrow cell transplant.

    Autologus transplant – For an autologous transplant, the stem cells are collected from the body of the patient itself and stored for use when required. This avoids the graft rejection. Thus, here the recipient and the donor are the same person. If a person is suffering from cancer, cancerous cells are removed from the collected samples.
    Allogenic transplant – source of the stem cells is a different person .The donor might be a relative or an unrelated person. These cells are derived from umbilical cord blood. In order to avoid the various complications; the donor’s stem cells should match with those of the patient as closely as possible. Matching of the donor and recipient’s stem cells is done through a blood test called HLA tissue typing.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday 15 April 2011