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Acute Bronchitis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment in Children

 Acute bronchitis in children is observed in those with chronic sinusitis, allergies, or those with engorged tonsils and adenoids. Usually, pneumonia is a complication that follows unchecked bronchitis
Causes of acute bronchitis in children

Acute bronchitis is mostly caused due to infectious from bacteria or viruses. Sometimes acute bronchitis may be caused by some external physical or chemical agents such as dust, allergens, strong fumes, especially from chemical cleaning compounds, or tobacco smoke. The most common cause of bronchitis in children is a virus, although it can be due to bacteria. Acute bronchitis is usually a mild condition of the disease and gets cured within a few days.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis in children

Although, every child may experience the symptoms of acute bronchitis in children and the signs include
  •     Before a cough starts, one may experience a running nose
  •     Malaise – an overall body discomfort
  •     Frequent chills
  •     Mild fever
  •     Back and muscle ache
  •     Constant wheezing
  •     Sore throat

In the initial stages of the disease, a child may experience a dry and non-productive cough which later develops to an abundant mucus-filled cough. Some young children may experience some vomiting or gagging with the cough. The symptoms of acute bronchitis in children usually last for 7 to 14 days, however they may also persist for 3 to 4 weeks.

The symptoms of acute bronchitis are similar to some other conditions or medical problems. A proper diagnosis is very important to treat the disease effectively.

Diagnosis of acute bronchitis in children

Acute bronchitis is generally diagnosed on the basis of the history and physical examination of the child. Some tests may be asked to be performed to rule out the possibilities of other diseases.

The medical practitioner will listen to the child’s breathing with a stethoscope. Abnormal sounds (rales) in the lungs or other abnormal breathing sounds may be heard during this.

Some test may be asked to be performed such as

    X-ray of the chest
This is done to eliminate any other possibilities of the irritation and discomfort in the chest.

    Lung function tests

Mostly, this test is done to examine the extent of the disease and its effects.

    Pulse oximetry

This test helps to determine the amount of oxygen in the child’s blood. This quick and painless test uses a device that is placed onto the tip of the child’s finger.

    Arterial blood test

Arterial blood gas is a more accurate measurement of oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO 2) levels, but it includes a needle stick and is more painful.

    Sputum samples

These are taken to check for signs of inflammation or the bacterial infection.

Treatment for acute bronchitis in children

Acute bronchitis in children is observed in those with chronic sinusitis, allergies, or those with engorged tonsils and adenoids. Usually, pneumonia is a complication that follows unchecked bronchitis

The treatment of bronchitis in children varies depending on the cause of the illness. Medication that suppresses the cough or release and clear secretions may be helpful.

    Cough suppressants

If the child has severe and uncontrollable coughing spells, then a good prescription is with strong cough suppressants. In most of the cases only these stronger cough suppressants stop a ferocious cycle of coughing which leads to more irritation of the bronchial tubes, which in turn causes more coughing in the child.


Bronchodilator inhalers are helpful in opening the airways and in decreasing wheezing in a child suffering from bronchitis. The cool mist humidifier or vaporizer will help to decrease the bronchial irritation.


Antibiotics play a limited role in the treatment for bronchitis but in a bacterial bronchitis antibiotics become a necessity and even for chronic bronchitis they play a vital role. Children with other bacterial infections or any lung problems may need to be prescribed antibiotics as well. However, a viral bronchitis cannot be treatment by antibiotics. In such cases, treatment can be given for curing the symptoms only to reduce the discomfort.

Increased intake of fluids is necessary as coughing and fever leads to dehydration of the child’s body.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Saturday 16 April 2011