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About Normal Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

Abdominal pain and cramping: Normal abdominal pain during pregnancy is due to the following changes:

1. Implantation Bleeding:
During implantation you experience a little spotting termed as the bleeding. Implantation is nothing but the fertilized egg penetrating the uterine lining.

2. Stretching of the ligaments:
The muscles and the ligaments supporting the uterus stretch during the second trimester which can cause a dull ache across the belly or sometimes a sharp pain on one side. Many women feel it while getting up from the bed or from the bath tub or while coughing.

False Labor:
False labor pains are also called as the Braxton Hicks contractions which are generally irregular and painless but some women feel the pain.

Cramping: In the last week of pregnancy cramping may be a sign that the labor is almost ready to begin. Sometimes cramps are due to the gas pains and bloating due to the hormonal changes resulting in the slow digestion, constipation and the pressure of the growing uterus.

With the normal abdominal pains you can always try these techniques like -sit down, put your feet up and relax, rest comfortably and relieve the symptoms. Avoid sudden changes in the position, when you feel the pain bend towards the pain, Gas pains can be relieved by doing the regular or the light house work, try taking a warm bath, ensure that you are getting enough fluids.

It is most likely the round ligament pain and is a consequence of the enlarging uterus.

The round ligaments are the supporting ligaments and muscles when you are pregnant. As the uterus grows in the first pregnancies especially the ligaments are stretched beyond their capacity and comfort level. During sneezing, coughing, laughing or even during the sudden movements the pain can be quite a stabbing lower right or more commonly lower left, abdominal pain during pregnancy.  The round ligament would start stretching somewhere around the first or second week of pregnancy and can go till the 12th week of pregnancy or sometimes continue throughout the term of pregnancy. There are no long term effects from the round ligament pain and this pain is no more in the subsequent pregnancies. Prevention is better than cure. Ligaments are stretched when they are pulled. However sudden movements can trigger and aggravate the pain. Thus whenever you sneeze, cough or laugh hold the bottom half of your abdomen and press on the area where you usually feel the pain.  Securing the ligament in this manner can prevent the sudden stabbing pain.

There is immediate medical attention needed in the following cases: Pain that is not localized or is accompanied by difficulty in breathing, headaches, a skin rash or even the vaginal discharge may not be the round ligament pain. Along with these the following also require some medical attention:

    Severe pain: The pains which are in the form of cramps, bleeding or vaginal discharge, accompanied by fever, chills, and lightheaded or faintness.
    Ectopic Pregnancy: In the initial 3 months of pregnancy abdominal pain can be an indication of ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy causes slight irregular bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, especially on one side, and is sometimes accompanied by shoulder pain, faintness, dizziness, and nausea or vomiting.
    Pre term labor if you have any of the following:
  •         Contractions every 10 minutes and Pelvic pressure
  •         Change in the vaginal discharge or bleeding from the vagina
  •         Low dull backache and Cramps that are similar to the one you have during your periods
  •         Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea
        Labor also needs immediate medical attention: The contractions indicating labor are more severe than the pre term labor. The contractions are regular between 5-10 minutes, you cannot speak or walk during the contractions, you have vaginal bleeding, and the bleeding is of dark greenish or brown in color.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Saturday 29 October 2011