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The Most Common Symptom of Vitamin A Deficiency

Symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A deficit is commonly seen in the developing countries. The Vitamin A deficit hampers the health of skin, eyes, and hair. However, it may further affect the immune system, and also result in appetite loss, and growth retardation. Following are the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency:

    The most common symptom of vitamin A deficiency
is related to the eye. A person may have pain in the eyes, eye inflammation dry eyes or a blurred vision. The major symptom is to adjust in the dark, which may lead to night blindness.
    Hyperkeratosis is another symptom. This is caused due to excessive production of skin-protein with the name keratin. This excessive production blocks hair follicles. It initially affects the thighs and forearms skin. Further it may affect the whole body.
    Vitamin A deficit may affect the hair. One with a deficiency may experience hair loss or abnormal growth of skin, hair, fine hair, dry hair or dandruff.
    The vitamin A deficiency also impairs the immune system. People with inadequate intake of vitamin A in the body are more likely to fall ill and susceptible to infections.
    Deficiency of Retinol may also result in bad nail health. The person with VAD may have thick or brittle nails.
    VAD symptoms also affect the normal growth rate of the body. The younger the children may be, the higher the impact is. It may further result in mortality rate go higher with severe Vitamin A deficiency.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Tuesday, 5 April 2011