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How To Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia and Risk Factor

Deficiency of erythropiotin (red Blood Cell) is Calld Anemia.
Iron is present in the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Apart from this, nearly 30 percent of iron is stored as hemosiderin and ferritin in the bone marrow, liver and spleen. This deficiency of iron in the body makes the person lethargic and drowsy. If the severity of iron deficiency increases than many times body ache increases. This iron deficiency can be due to many reasons like low iron rich diet, pregnancy, gastrointestinal problems etc. Hence, a proper care is required. Many treatments for iron deficiency anemia are there and hence this blood disorder can be treated easily.

Treatments for Iron Deficiency Anemia

Since this anemia happens due to the deficiency of iron in the body, treatment can be done by replenishing the level of iron in the body. Some of the treatment options are described as under:

    Iron Rich Diet: Consuming iron rich food is one of the best options to meet the daily need of iron in the body. Body does not have the power to store surplus iron consumed, hence a specific amount of iron is needed every day. Consuming foods such as green leafy vegetable, meat, legumes, fish, poultry, rice, cereals etc. help a lot to meet the iron necessity. That is why it is said – “a balanced diet is the best way to be healthy”. Many times, the need of iron in the body increases as per the condition of the body, say for example during pregnancy the need of the body increases. The loss of iron makes the blood more diluted.
    Iron supplements: If a person has any kind of wound, which has resulted into iron deficiency, then iron supplements are the best alternatives. They must be taken under the strict supervision of the doctors. In addition, they are prescribed to women during pregnancy as the need of iron increases suddenly.
    Vitamin C: This vitamin helps in proper absorption of iron in the body. Some of the food that helps in replenishing the level of this vitamin is strawberries, kiwi, oranges, green pepper, grapefruit, tomato and their juices etc. 
    Blood transfusion: During severe iron deficiency, blood transfusion is one of the best options to treat the person. However, this is a short term treatment option hence must be given in regular intervals.   

Risk Factors Involved

Some of the risk factors after the treatment are:

    Iron Supplements: Some of the iron supplements can be allergic in certain individuals. Some of the side effects are dark stools, stomach irritation and even heartburn.
    Blood transfusion: The level of iron increases in the body that may harm organs like liver, heart etc.

The treatments for iron deficiency anemia can replenish the iron levels easily. The other options are injecting iron in the skin or the iron shots and transfusion iron through IV (intravenous) tube in the vein. These therapies have to done under proper medical care, so that an individual stays free from infections. The treatment not only depends on the need of iron in the body but also on the age of an individual. Iron need cannot be denied as it is required for the generation of healthy red blood cells in the body. This anemia is more common in women than in men. A doctor is the best person to prescribe the amount of iron that is needed.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Saturday 16 April 2011