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Viral Meningitis Diagnosis Treatment Prevention and Drug therapy

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
Signs and Symptoms Viral Meningitis

The symptoms of viral meningitis differ from an infant to an adult.

In newborns, signs and symptoms include:
  •     Irritability
  •     High-pitched cry
  •     Poor feeding
  •     Vomiting
  •     Fever
  •     Seizures
  •     Stiffness in neck (a rare problem)
In young children and adults, signs and symptoms include:
  •     High fever
  •     Severe headache
  •     Vomiting or nausea
  •     Stiff neck
  •     Sensitivity to light
  •     Drowsiness
  •     Skin rash
  •     Confusion
  •     Seizures
  •     Clouding or loss of consciousness

Diagnosis of viral meningitis

Viral meningitis can be diagnosed by some of the laboratory practices which include a test of spinal fluid obtained with a lumbar puncher (spinal tap). This test is performed by injecting a needle on the back of the patient and the fluid is taken and observed. This test is basically used to distinguish between the infections i.e. viral, bacterial or fungal. There are certain blood tests that need to be performed in order to determine viral meningitis.

Treatment of viral meningitis

There is no such specific treatment for viral meningitis, but there are some of the medications that can be used so as to reduce the effect of viral meningitis to a great extent. Treatment includes rest, hydration, anti-inflammatory medications, and antipyretics. There are different treatment options, which include:

    Prevention- Prevention can be done with proper vaccination against H. influenzae and mumps. Vaccination is given to children, since they have a weaker immune system. It is given to control epidemics in dormitories. Since viral meningitis is contagious, so it is important to wash your hand frequently, so as to reduce the risk of viral meningitis. It is also important to clean the contaminated surfaces with soap and water, in order to stop the spreading of viral meningitis.
    Drug therapy- The dose of the drug differs from one person to another. The treatment of viral meningitis aims at reducing the symptoms of fever and ache.  There are certain antibiotics that are given to the patient which includes ampicillin, cephalosporins, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Corticosteroids are also prescribed by the doctor to reduce inflammation or irritation. If seizures occur, then diazepam or phenytoins are prescribed.
    Nutrition and supplements- There are several nutrients that can strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to take multivitamin daily which contains vitamins A, C, E, D, the B-complex vitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids are also prescribed to reduce inflammation and improve immunity. Coenzyme Q10 is prescribed to take at night (at bedtime), as an antioxidant and increase the immune system activity. Alpha-lipoic acid and Resveratrol should be taken twice a day, for antioxidant effects.

One thing should be kept in mind that any disease should not be ignored; rather if needed, take medical assistance. Viral meningitis is not a severe form of meningitis, but if left untreated can lead to a life threatening condition.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Monday 11 April 2011