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Neutrophils Causes Signs and symptoms Treatment

Neutrophils are produced in the bone marrow but circulate in the blood stream. Average life span of neutrophils is three days. Five major types of white blood cells that help in fighting against the infections are
  •     Lymphocytes
  •     Basophils
  •     Eosonophils
  •     Monocytes and neutrophils

Some white blood cells are filled with microscopic granules and are therefore classified as granulocytes. These cells contain enzymes that help to digest the pathogenic microorganisms by a process known as phagocytosis. Thus, they play an important role in immunity. Like lymphocytes, they do not respond to specific antigens only. Immature neutrophils show a band shaped nucleus.

Neutrophils constitute 50-70% of the circulating white blood cells. These cells act as primary defense against various kinds of infections by destroying the bacteria and other pathogens residing in blood. If a person lacks neutrophils he will be more susceptible to bacterial infections. Condition may turn worse and life threatening without prompt treatment. If the neutropenia becomes life threatening then the condition is referred as neutropenic sepsis.

Neutropenia is classified into two types, acute and chronic neutropenia depending on the duration of the illness. Chronic neutropenia occurs if the condition lasts for more than three months. Of many leucocytes neutrophils are the most abundant ones.

Causes of neutropenia

If there is destruction of the neutrophils in the body or other problems related to its production by bone marrow then the disorder can occur. Its treatment is based on identifying the cause and more emphasis is given on the prevention of infection.

Other factors that may influence the occurrence of the disorder include arsenic poisoning, cancer, hereditary disorders, radiations and mineral deficiency. Some guidelines that are used to measure the degree of severity of the disorder include absolute neutrophil count that measures the cell per micro liter of blood. Neutropenia can remain undetected until a patient develops a severe infection

Signs and symptoms of neutropenia
  •     Fever
  •     Ulcers in the mouth
  •     Burning sensation while urinating
  •     Sore throat, swelling, pain and unusual redness
Some viral infections can also cause mild neutropenia. Some medications can produce side effects that are similar to this infection and are therefore referred as pseudoneutropenia.

Medical Care and treatment

Care of the patients suffering from the disorder is usually based on the severity, etiology and duration of the neutropenia.
  •     Remove any offending drugs or agents.
  •     preventn infections of the mucosa and teeth by following hygienic habits
  •     Avoid rectal examinations and rectal temperature measurements.
  •     To avoid constipation use stool softeers
  •     Good care of the skin should be taken if there are any wounds or abrasions.

If there is transformation of the disorder from the mild to the severe version then following treatment can be used as an option

Antifungal or antibiotic medications to reduce the infection

Administering growth factors to stimulate the production of white blood cells such as granulocyte- colony stimulating factor. If the disorder gets more severe then there is a necessity for granulocyte transfusion

Corticosteroids: these are synthetic hormones that play an important role in immune response. These synthetic hormones or drugs are supplied intravenously to reduce the severity of the disorder.

Fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers are often recommended during severe neutropenia, to eliminate all the possible sources of infection.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday 15 April 2011