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Natural Cure for Bursitis is Much More Effective and Safe to Use

Natural Cure for Bursitis

Mullein tea: Mullein tea is used on a large scale to reduce inflammation in any organ. It can also be used to reduce inflammation in the bursa. Its natural properties help the body in low production of substances that are responsible for causing inflammation in the body. You can add some mullein tea leaves to water and boil it. Soak a cloth in this tea and apply it over the swollen part of the joint. This should be done twice or thrice in a day or repeated several times if possible.

Cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar: This mixture also helps you in reducing inflammation over the joint. Take a cup of apple cider vinegar and add a table spoon of cayenne pepper to it. Boil this mixture and allow it to cool for some time. Soak a cloth in this mixture and place it over the inflamed bursa. Repeat this process several times in a day and you will get relief from the pain.

Herbal mixture: A mixture made from comfrey, chaparral and alfalfa also works magical in case of bursitis. Mix these three herbs in appropriate proportions and apply it over the swollen area. This mixture helps in reducing inflammation as well as reduces redness, burning sensation and pain over the joint.

Bryonia: Bryonia is herb, which is commonly used in curing sharp pain due to serious inflammation, soreness, andNatural Cure for Bursitis tenderness that is caused due to repetitive movement inflammation. It is available in the form of homeopathic medicines. You can consult a homeopathic doctor and take proper dosage for treating bursitis.

Turmeric: Turmeric is effective when taken internally as well as when applied externally over the swollen part of the bursa. It also helps in protecting your bursa from infection as it has antiseptic properties. You can mix a pinch of turmeric in lukewarm milk and drink it at night before going to bed or early in the morning. Regular intake of turmeric is effective in this case. You can also apply turmeric paste over swollen bursa.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an effective anti-oxidant that helps in reducing inflammation and replenishing the damage caused to the tissues within the body. Adequate and regular intake of vitamin C in the form of fruits and vegetables will help you in curing bursitis early.

Sandalwood paste: Sandalwood paste helps you give relief from the burning sensation that is caused in bursitis. Take about half cup of rose water and add sandalwood powder to it to prepare a paste, which can be applied over the skin. This paste should not be too thick. When it dries, wash it off and apply new layer of it on the skin. Follow this process as frequently as possible for best results.

Cold packs: Cold packs can be prepared at home and moved over the swollen part in small strokes. Take few pieces of ice cubes in a thick cloth or in a soft cotton cloth and move it over the swollen part of the bursa. This will help you in reducing the inflammation due to bursitis.

Heat packs: Heat packs are used after the inflammation is reduced to a considerable extent by using cold packs or other treatments.

Oils for massaging: Massage done in case of bursitis also helps you reduce the inflammation. This massage is done in small strokes. Emu oil, fish oil and flaxseed oil are used to massage the swollen part of the joint. They penetrate into the skin and give relief from pain.

Natural cure for bursitis is much more effective and safe to use, rather than using medicines. These natural treatments are more effective in chronic bursitis, which lasts for a long time.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Monday 11 April 2011