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Depression Psychological Disorder and Types

Depression is not a patholigcal disease it is a condition is that psychological disorder.in this condition personality feeling mood become sad due to stress or strain.

Types of depression
Depression is mainly categorized into 5 types which are as follows:

Major depression- It is one of the most common form of depression. The interest of the people goes off and the sufferer seems to walk around with the weight of the world on his shoulders. There is a lack of interest in sexual activity Some of the other symptoms include:

  •     Increase in appetite
  •     Weight gain or loss
  •     Difficulty in sleeping
  •     Try to commit suicide
  •     Excessive movement
  •     Fatigue or loss of energy
  •     Problem of concentration
  •     Feeling worthless or excessive guilt
  •     Difficulty in thinking or decision making

Atypical depression – In this type of depression, there is a feeling of happiness, which is rare. The symptoms of atypical depression include fatigue, weight gain, oversleeping, and overeating. People suffering from atypical depression believe that they are out of control of their mode which involves success, attention and praise. This type of depression may last for months or be life-long. It includes:
  •     Significant weight gain or increase in appetite
  •     Over sleeping
  •     Heavy feeling in the arms or legs
  •     Long standing pattern of sensitivity to rejection

Dysthymic disorder (Dysthymia) – Usually, people who are suffering from depression simply walk around seeming sad or melancholic. They used to live all of their life just like this. In other words, dysthymia is a condition where the people are not even aware of what is going around them but just live with it. some of the symptoms are as follows:
  •     Feeling hopeless
  •     Low self-esteem
  •     Fatigue or low energy
  •     Increase or decrease in eating
  •     Difficulty sleeping or increase in sleeping
  •     Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Psychotic depression- The people who suffer from psychotic depression tend to see imaginary things, hear sounds, see video, which virtually do not exist. These are referred to as ‘hallucinations’. It is also sometimes related to schizophrenia. The sufferers of this disorder also have false belief by their own and imagine frightening and negative sounds and images.

Manic depression- It is defined as an emotional disorder which is characterized by changing mood shifts due to depression which is sometimes quite rapid. People suffering from manic depression have high risk of suicide. Symptoms of manic depression include:
  •     Easily distracted
  •     More talkative than usual
  •     Decreased need for sleep
  •     Experiencing racing thoughts or ideas
  •     Excessive involvement in potentially risky behavior such as careless sexual activity, and over spending
  •     Inflated self-esteem or self-importance

Some of the other types of depression include:

    Anxiety depression – It is not an official type of depression, but anxiety often also occurs with depression. Some of the associated symptoms are panic disorder, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder.
    Post partum depression- It generally occurs after having a baby. It varies with intensity and duration. It begins within four weeks of the birth of the baby.
    Seasonal affective disorder – It is characterized by episodes of major depression. It reoccurs after a specific period of time.
    Chronic depression – It is also characterized by episodes of major depression, but lasts for at least two years.
    Double depression – Double depression is defined as the combination of dysthymia (chronic mild depression) and major depression.
    Endogenous depression – It is defined as the feeling of depression with no apparent reason.
    Situational depression – It depends upon the response of certain stressful situation or condition. These symptoms occur with 3 month of stress and lasts for 6 months.
    Agitated depression – It is characterized by agitation such as physical and emotional restlessness and irritability.

The treatment of depression depends upon the symptoms and the type of depression. It differs from person to person. Usually antidepressants may be prescribed for the treatment of the symptoms of depression.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Tuesday 12 April 2011