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pharmacology Mcqs

Q.1# Toxic effects of sodium nitroprusside:
a) are not related to dose
b) are due to cyanide ions
c) are due to thiocyanate
d) are due to liver rhodanese
e) may be treated with vitamin B12 

Q.2# The following are useful in the suppression of ventricular ectopic beats:
a) digoxin
b) amiodarone
c) mexiletine
d) verapamil
e) bretylium

Q.3# Otoxicity can follow the administration of:
a) ethacrynic acid
b) gentamicin
c) frusemide
d) cefuroxime
e) streptomycin

Q.4#  Phenobarbitone:
a) is used in the treatment of grand mal epilepsy
b) may aggravate petit mal epilepsy
c) can produce skin rashes
d) is rapidly metabolised
e) has its effects terminated by redistribution

Q.5#  Buprenorphine:
a) causes little nausea and vomiting
b) has a respiratory depressant action antagonised by naloxone
c) is mostly metabolised in the liver
d) may cause withdrawal symptoms in morphine addicts
e) must be given parenterally

Q.6#  Hyoscine:
a) causes tachycardia
b) causes sedation
c) causes mydriasis
d) is an antiemetic
e) has a weaker antisialagogue effect than atropine

Q.7#  The following increase the amount of calcium in cardiac muscle:

a) halothane
b) adrenaline
c) diltiazem
d) nifedipine
e) trimetaphan

Q.8#  Clonidine:

a) is an alpha-2 receptor agonist
b) is a dopamine antagonist
c) causes tachycardia
d) inhibits salivation
e) reduces the minimum alveolar concentration of halothane

Q.9# Hyoscine hydrobromide causes:

a) antiemesis
b) somnolence
c) pupillary dilatation
d) tachycardia followed by bradycardia
e) extrapyramidal symptoms

Q.10# The following can be used safely in a patient on a monoamine oxidase inhibitor:

a) morphine
b) pethidine
c) noradrenaline
d) amphetamine
e) adrenaline

Q.11# The following drugs penetrate the blood-brain barrier:

a) physostigmine
b) dopamine
c) propranolol
d) glycopyrrolate
e) noradrenaline

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Wednesday 19 January 2011